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Intolerance Testing for Adults & Kids

5Strands cares about helping people understand themselves because self-awareness is a powerful tool for personal growth and overall well-being, enabling individuals to make informed decisions, set meaningful goals, and cultivate a deeper sense of fulfillment and authenticity in their lives through a transformative journey towards empowerment.

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What Are Intolerances?

Food and environmental sensitivities occur when your body's immune system mistakenly identifies common dietary or environmental elements as threats, leading to an array of subtle yet impactful reactions such as inflammation or digestive distress. These sensitivities may cause your body's defense mechanisms to over-engage seemingly benign triggers, affecting everything from your energy levels to your overall comfort.

  • Food intolerances develop when the body is deficient in the digestive enzymes required to effectively break down a specific food item.

  • Environmental intolerances occur when your body negatively reacts to substances or conditions in your surroundings

  • If left unaddressed, these sensitivities may lead to discomfort symptoms like bloating, acne, joint pain, and headaches.

  • Fortunately, both food and environmental intolerances can be alleviated through a proper elimination plan.

  • Eliminating triggering food items from your diet will help your gut rebalance and heal naturally over time.

  • Identifying and minimizing exposure to environmental triggers allows your immune system to heal while reducing reactivity.

5Strands leverages advanced bioresonance technology to provide a comprehensive analysis of your food and environmental intolerances, empowering you with the personalized insights to make informed dietary and lifestyle adjustments. It's time to regain control of your health and wellness, on your own terms!

Get Your Personalized Results In 4 Easy Steps

  • Register Kit Icon


    Login to and click REGISTER KIT. Use unique ID code provided inside kit.

  • Collect Hair Icon


    Collect 5 strands of hair from the body and place it inside the provided bag.

  • Mail Sample Icon


    Place the bag back inside the kit. Make sure postage is good to go and ship it back to us.

  • Receive Results Icon


    After we receive the kit, we will be able to send the results back in just 1 week.

Read What Customers Have To Say

5Strands is proud to have positively impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

  • before and after intolerance symptoms


    Verified Buyer

    My Life is Forever Changed!
    “My life is forever changed because of the knowledge that I’ve gained and the experience I’ve had with 5Strands! In the spring of 2022, I took the 640 item Bio-Resonance test. I mentally struggled with the results, but eventually brought myself to submit to its findings. Truthfully, I’ve felt bad for many years and had been on lots of medications. The changes I have experienced have been very invigorating. I’m 59, but I feel 18 again. I’ve almost come completely off prescription medications and should be off them by the end of 2022. Reflecting… I had a heart attack in 2020, but now I’m in great shape… My PC Physician calls me “The Miracle Man.” ... ”

  • Jainie M.

    Verified Buyer

    Highly recommend
    "I am so glad I finally got this test! I’ve been meaning to do so for ages. Very informative and detailed. So much invaluable information, which makes the elimination process so much easier. Customer service is also amazing! So grateful for this company and highly recommend them to anyone and everyone. General Health Assessment."

  • Leah

    Verified Buyer

    Very accurate!!!
    "I’ve always felt sick with different foods and drinks ,and never really knew why or what was causing it .I did not know where to start ,i just knew many things made me feel really sick minutes after consuming it .After trying to get a food allergy test and intolerance test i found this one which is very affordable and honestly accurate to the majority of the foods i feel sick after eating and even some which i did not really bother paying attention to. Im surprised and happy with the results and how fast i got them! I would definitely recommend this to anyone having similar food issues its very easy ,simple and affordable comprare to other brands."

  • Andres

    Verified Buyer

    Your test has saved my life.
    "Your test has saved my life. I battled from an inner ear imbalance and a severe case of Vertigo dizzy spells. Your test results guided me to a healing path without medication. I am now back to my normal routine and life. In my situation, vertigo dizzy spells were triggered by certain foods. Foods I was intolerant to resulted in horrible balance and walking. I lived like this for 10 months in pain. I would cry daily too (hard to admit as a grown man). I have introduced over 20 people to your test personally as well as their pets. On my profile you will see my dog Frankie's results. His results showed intolerances to protein. Now he is on an all..."


Taking a food sensitivity test is important because it can help identify specific foods that trigger adverse reactions, allowing you to tailor your diet for better health and well-being. Understanding your sensitivities can prevent chronic symptoms like digestive issues, headaches, and fatigue, improving your overall quality of life.

The right food sensitivity or nutritional imbalance test for you depends on your specific health concerns. Tests like the 5Strands Comprehensive Sensitivity & Imbalances Test or the Food Intolerance Test can identify issues related to dietary sensitivities, environmental triggers, or nutrient deficiencies.

Signs of a nutritional imbalance in adults and kids can include fatigue, poor concentration, frequent illnesses, and digestive issues. Other symptoms might be brittle nails, hair loss, and unusual cravings, indicating potential deficiencies in essential vitamins or minerals.

Improvements after eliminating a problematic food typically take a few weeks to potentially months. The timeline varies depending on the individual's sensitivity and how long it takes for the body to heal and adjust to the dietary change.

A food allergy triggers an immune system response, often causing immediate symptoms like hives or anaphylaxis, while a food intolerance involves the digestive system and typically results in delayed symptoms like bloating or stomach pain. Proper diagnosis can be made through medical testing and observation of symptom patterns.

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