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Food Sensitivities: Symptoms, Identification, & Solutions

Written by Josiah Mihok

What you eat can make a world of difference in how your body functions. It is essential to know what foods are good for you and which might do more harm than good so that the former become outweighing factors over time while healthier alternatives take their place as needed. In this article, we're going to help narrow down what you eat to avoid sensitive foods while still getting all of your nutrients with other important stuff, then identify where those problematic ingredients might be coming from so they don't continue causing problems within your diet.

5Strands Dietary Insights, Intolerance Testing

There is no one-size-fits-all regarding what type of food you can handle. Some people have genes that make them more susceptible, while others may experience environmental elements like family diets or where they grew up - so many factors are at play! The onset of these sensitivities can worsen for some people over time if they live in places where certain foods were readily available daily, which later were not, causing significant issues with digestion due to the body being unable to process these successfully.

These days we all have access to so many opinions shared by many experts in the field; some with first-hand experience of effects, treatment solutions, theories, and of course, the random blog contributor. Many advertised food tests merely focus on Allergies. Still, that word only refers to a category of more severe reactions that most people only recognize as symptoms of a serious or life-threatening nature.

Sensitivities and Intolerances

Let’s talk about the more common bodily reactions to what you eat. What you eat can often make a difference in how your body functions. It is essential to know what foods are good for you and which might do more harm than good so that the former become outweighing factors over time while healthier alternatives take their place as needed.

Food Sensitivity Intolerance Symptoms

Your Food’s Origin Story

Let's talk about your favorite food - what do you think of when it comes to taste? Some people are drawn toward the sweet; others prefer salty flavors. I love both! However, one particular ingredient causes a reaction for many individuals: eggplant extract or Foods derived from eggs (yes, even our beloved quiche). Just a little history of the origin of your food and its ingredients can help explain its popularity in certain regions. This insight can explain why specific symptoms might happen with some, but not all of us. 

As the Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) likes to say, “All Food Is Local to Someone!”... But that doesn’t always apply to you. Perhaps you're unaware, but there is much information about how our food arrives on store shelves. Labeling laws require that all produce items have the country it was grown or produced printed onto them, so we know exactly where they came from and what ingredients go into making up each product! Depending on where this fruit comes from, you’ll also see an increasingly different variety in terms of tastes - something geared towards your preferences.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has developed a program called “USDA State of Origin Foods Information,” which publishes yearly reports with procurement information on all US department stores. This report provides precise details regarding where the food you consume is grown, processed, labeled, sold, and even primarily consumed nationwide! We think that’s pretty cool.

Where We Live Makes A Difference

Our environment can often change dramatically, as we often travel 15-60 miles daily for commuter jobs. Believe it or not, until the last 40-50 years, this wasn’t the case for many of us! As the world changes around us with planes, trains, and automobiles being more accessible, we live the days of our lives being more exposed to further reaches than many people ever traveled in previous centuries. As our environments and frequency of travel to far reaches continue, we must keep our bodies and minds healthy and sharp.

What Causes Food Sensitivities? 

Food Sensitivities are your body's potential sensitivity to food items consumed. Many of us are only educated at an elementary level about the severe cases and causes of interaction based on consumption, without discussing Sensitivities or Intolerance.

These categories gradually and substantially affect your bodily health, wellness, and subjectivity, causing your body to use its energy to fight underlying symptoms.

Some of our sensitivities are genetic susceptibilities, and some environmental elements cause others. But how do you separate Sensitives from Allergies? This is done most accurately by focusing on the clinical perspective to identify the root substances. Environmental elements of what you are consuming and then comparing them to other factors you regularly interact with daily to determine differences in the ingredients that yield the most accurate results. 

We regularly consume products that are genetically manipulated, cultivated, irrigated, filtered harvested using many different methods all over the world. The unfamiliarity of these ingredients and goods with that of the consumer – our bodies – results in certain types of food causing some of our body's immune systems to overreact to specific ingredients, while based on our unique DNA, not affecting others in the same manner. 

Traditional IG (immunoglobulin) markers analysis tests use invasive blood samples to correlate with proteins found in our body's blood. These commonly misdiagnose as allergies - translation: a severe bodily histamine reaction. The issue here is that often these "serious diagnoses" are merely causing easily identified symptoms, such as irregular levels of flatulence, bloating, and general malaise. These can often happen to us; we simply write them off because of “badly” or “undercooked” ingredients in a meal we had recently. When these symptoms are ignored long enough, they can turn into longer-lasting and more apparent symptoms.

Symptoms and Imbalances

Think of your body as a very complex but compact micro-environment; each department (organ) relies on a steady stream of fuel of sales (blood flow) to provide consistent functionality (efficient operations) to the ever-strengthening and growing business and stakeholders (body and mind). In any industry, this can be referred to as many things, the simplest of all being a “healthy” business. 

For our bodies, this is referred to as our state of "Homeostasis," or dynamic stability within ourselves internally. This exists not just for humans living on Earth but within our “ micro-environment“. We all require a balance between supply (i e dietary intake) and demand. 

Even our social environment, mental and emotional reactions, and access to direct sunlight can directly affect our health. But we will cover that in another article! Ultimately, if you want to be healthy physically and mentally, your body must have the proper nutrients. This can only happen when there's an even distribution of food throughout all areas, so every part gets what they need for optimal function and strength-building purposes! 

Without the appropriate balance within our body, we restrict ourselves from optimal functionality when it is most necessary. This often leads to digestive problems like gas bubbles in the stomach (also known as "gastric meteorism"), and other reactions like these:

  • Skin irritation
  • Dryness of skin
  • Rash breakouts

  • Just like what happens with cars without proper balancing of oil, fluids, and gasoline for a car’s performance, Gut health is just as crucial for our bodies. When you don't have enough nutrients, your body starts producing an imbalance of too many chemicals that confuse the heck out of its ability for efficiency at continuing to serve you with consistent and optimal performance. To avoid this problem in our bodies, we must ensure no imbalances with our regular dietary regime. This will help ensure the maintenance of homeostasis. 

    How to Identify the Root Causes of your Sensitivities 

    The 5Strands testing kits let you know what's going on with your body by checking for various ingredients. The results will help identify intolerances or sensitivities so that they can be avoided in the future, along with helping to rebalance gut bacteria patterns! The Mayo Clinic’s research regarding Building a Healthy Gut Microbiome, unhealthy imbalances affect many of us. The most effective method is to test directly against the foods you regularly consume as part of your direct. That’s where Bioresonance testing comes in!

    5Strands At Home Test Kit for Food Intolerances

    Bioresonance testing technology provides practical and easy results and answers to your questions, customized based on your biological makeup, testing your current dietary structure and its effects. The testing kit provided by 5trands Affordable Testing is used to determine the food items creating a temporary. Microbes are essential to the body's function and play many different roles. For example, microbes help us digest our food by breaking down carbohydrates into glucose so they can be absorbed into cells for the energy and functionality of our organs. 

    These testing kits use just a few hair clippings to test and review balances from 640+ proteins, grains, fruits, vegetables, seafood, gluten, additives, preservatives, sweeteners, beverages, dairy, fats, etc. Your results will create a recommended elimination guideline. Your results will help you eliminate intolerances or sensitivities and allow time for the gut to rebalance.

    The Solution For Food Sensitivities and Intolerances

    5Strands Affordable Testing has taken the original concept of bioresonance therapy treatment and developed the “at-home” sensitivity and intolerance testing kit. This simple-to-use kit utilizes the first step in this technology by reporting the findings of the gut microbiome imbalances presented by the foods you consume regularly.The 5Strands lab team is always looking for new ways to improve your health. One of our favorite recent innovations is Bioresonance Testing. This test is perfect for gauging your gut microbiome imbalances presented by foods you eat regularly. The test results provide an easy-to-read report on what adjustments are needed to ensure optimal wellness.

    5Strands Easy Five Step Process

    • Purchase an Intolerance Testing Kit

    These kits are mailed to your door and are easy to use yourself. When you open your jit box, take a tally of all the listed items before you start.

    • Register your Kit

    Once the kit arrives, you’ll go to the website link on the packaging to register your testing kit. Here is a detailed how-to video, just to help!

    • Collect a hair sample for lab testing

    Typically only 5-10 strands of hair are needed for thorough and accurate testing. You can gather these from anywhere on yourself, as long as the hair samples collected are fresh and not several days or weeks old.

    • Send the test kit back to 5Strands.

    Each kit comes pre-packaged with all the required return shipping labels printed and included in each kit box. 

    • Review your results in 10 days! 

    Using the email address you used to register your account and testing kit, the 5Strands team will let you know when your testing kit has arrived at the lab for testing.

    Because you registered your kit online, you can view your results in the customer portal within 7 days of sample delivery to the 5Strands lab.

    What About Allergies?

    Allergies Explained

    An allergy occurs when the body mistakes an ingredient in your food as potentially harmful and creates a defense system of additional antibodies to fight against the unfamiliar compounds. This process is how allergies can function; however, roughly only 2% of all people are genuinely allergic. For instance, 2-9 out of ten humans can consume most grains, regardless of the growing region, without any problems whatsoever; however, some will experience mild cases such as upset stomach or diarrhea, while others may feel fine even though there's no proof that these foods agree with them at all - which suggests one might not know their body’s reaction unless the regular consumption of this food were to increased to normal volumes. 

    Extreme vs. Minor Reactions

    If you have been diagnosed with allergies, it’s essential to maintain regular contact with your primary doctor and consistent treatment of symptoms using all prescribed medicines. Often, but not always, allergies can cause extreme visual and internal discomfort, with short-term exposure to unusual elements that are as unique to some as water is to wood. This has long led to confusion for those suffering from mild short-term and severe long-term discomfort after eating or drinking particular substances, such as foods and liquids containing minor minerals. While not all bodily reactions are so severe as life-threatening, they cause regular discomfort and may even cause physical and visually noticeable reactions. These underlying symptoms can often be attributed to personal Sensitivities and Intolerances. 

    Our Purpose-Driven Mission

    We are working diligently to build an ever-growing knowledge-driven resource library of helpful information to serve you better. We hope that what we have provided in this comprehensive article on Food Sensitivities and Intolerances is valuable and informative. 

    Our goal is to make our resources simple to understand and to include all the information needed by having credible and respected sources in a single place while maintaining our work’s integrity with detailed descriptions of each topic covered.

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